Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Tokyo, Part 4

An unsuccessful search for a public bath (we remained smelly).
A Tour of the Diet (named after the German Parliment).
A talk by the longest serving Representative (from Aomori Pref.).
A free lunch of Subway sandwiches provided by the Fulbright Alumi Association (I ate 45cm).
A tour of the Supreme Court Building (hasn't been touched since the 70's).
A talk by a Supreme Court Justice (I apologize, sir, for falling asleep).
A nap on the grass of the Imperial Palace (the homeless guys know the best places to sleep).
A 630 yen dinner of Thai curry (things are cheaper under the train tracks).
A walk around Tokyo Station (too big for it's own good).
A night bus back to Kyoto (two seats to myself).

1 comment:

*MP* said...

I'm glad you're back so I have more fantastic tales to read.