Friday, June 03, 2005

Someone's Been Spying

I answered my door two minutes ago to find two Japanese Jehovah's Witnesses standing on my porch. I knew they would be coming around eventually, since a new Kingdom Hall was just built a few months ago down the street, but I wasn't expecting them this soon.

"A few fellow believers told me that there were some foreigners living in this house, so we wanted to come talk to you in English and share the positive attitude that God has given us."

I want to know who these "fellow believers" are and what they've been doing spying around my house. I want to know how they knew I was an English speaking foreigner. I want to know if there is a gossip network that talks about this house like a black spot on the perfection of the neighborhood.

How is it this easy to be singled out?

1 comment:

*MP* said...

Have you considered that it might be due to the fact that you're a 9-foot-tall amazonian beauty? I'd pick you out of a crowd and follow you home for sure.