Monday, June 06, 2005

It's that time again

Grass makes me happy. It makes me so happy that I will do ridiculous things just because it is present.

I went down to Osaka yesterday to play pick-up ultimate (it exists in Japan!!). We played on a moderately grassy field. I was ecstatic for the green. I was crazy about the lack of sand. I was blind to the small rocks and hard ground.

I dove. I skidded. I acquired a wound the size of a saucer on my thigh.

Does it hurt? Yes. Does it ooze? Yes. Am I sorry I did it? Absolutely not. Most teams in Japan, including mine, experience a lack of contact with the ground due to their sand/dirt fields. I had been missing that wonderful body wrenching impact. Now I feel that the Ultimate season has started once again.

As is said by the best old members of the O3P, "Pain heals. Guys dig scars. Glory is forever."

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