Sunday, June 19, 2005

Old and New Questions

My friends are here, and as is my duty and privilege, I am taking them around to all the good places in Japan. Their presence has made me look again at Japan through fresh eyes as I try to answer questions such as these:

Why is it impolite to blow your nose in public?
What is the meaning of the incense at temples?
Why does no one wear helmets when riding bicycles?
Are Japanese women all anorexic?
What is the difference between sushi and sashimi?
Do I dip it in this, or do I dip it in that?
How much does it cost to put up a torii at Fushimi Inari?
Why do you pay for hotel rooms by the person?
What's the difference between all the green teas?
Why do the toilets have sinks attached to the back?
What's with the women in welder visors?
Why do the entire schools go on field trips together?
Why are there so many different train lines in such a small area?
Why doesn't anyone steal the bike secured with a 100 yen lock?
How can 100 yen sushi be so good?
Why the crowds on the 1800 yen seats, when you can sit on the rocks for free?

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