Monday, July 11, 2005

Done. Almost.

I would have thought that with four years of experience in college I would have been completely over that so-nervous-I-can't-eat feeling right before giving a presentation. I mean, how many times have I partially prepared the night before and crammed the morning of and come out just fine?

Today was different. Today I was giving my year's work of research presentation in Japanese to some grad students, my advisor, and the professor who could provide me with an in to Japanese graduate school.

Bad Points:
-I was only 75% done when I went to bed last night.
-I had had minimal sleep the entire weekend.
-I spoke nothing but English the entire weekend.
-I lost my copy card.
-I was three minutes late to class.
-My Japanese was so bad that even I couldn't understand what I was saying. So I started over.
-In my haste, I forgot to change my "so I know what I'm talking about" headers into something more professional.

Good Points:
-They didn't laugh.
-I used up an entire hour with the presentation, so I only had to answer questions for 30 minutes.
-My advisor said he was impressed that I talked for one whole hour.
-I'm done.

So I'm celebrating tonight with hours and hours of JJ100, All-You-Can-Play Game Center, for free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I'm sure you did better than you thought. When do you know the final score?
Your writings suggest that you do a lot of party-ing. Must be the good part of "education"? See you in the states. Gma G
PS I don't know what a blogger is and don't think I want one.