Sunday, July 31, 2005

Midarashi Matsuri

The Midarashi Matsuri is a festival dating back to the Heian Period (794-1183). There is a pond in the back of Shimo-gamo Shrine that is associated with a water kami. It was/is believed that if you walk through this pond during a certain period each year, you will be cleansed of all your impurities and illnesses. In addition, if one takes one of the black stones from the pond, it is particularly effective in curing a certain childhood illness (vague on which one it is..).

My friend and I went to this festival tonight. We took off our shoes and waded through the surprisingly cold water to light a candle. After coming up out of the water we drank a cup of the fresh spring water particularly blessed by the kami. I am now all clean, they say.

Shinto is a very purity related tradition, and this festival epitomizes this. Washing away, sending away, or giving away impurites is a common act in many festivals. The gods do not like death, blood, or sickness, and therefore, you must rid yourself of these things to have a prosperous life. Impurities, however, do not usually imply the moral stigma of "sins" as in Christianity. It's a cleanliness thing, pure and simple, something even a little kid in a pink yukata can understand.

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