Monday, April 04, 2005

Pick me, pick me!

The Japanese school year runs from April to February. And so, this week marks the beginning of the new school year. Kyoto is a city of universities, much like Boston, and this is particularly evident around graduation and nyugakushiki. At graduation, there are young men in suits and young women in kimono everywhere. During "incoming student ceremony" time, everyone is wearing a suit, and they are soon laden with huge unnecessary course listing books, sheets and sheets of club brochures, and student planners.

Otani's ceremony was today, and it was the busiest I have ever seen the campus. The sidewalks leading to the entrance/exit were lined with club and circle representatives just waiting to handout as many flyers as possible to the unsuspecting freshmen. My frisbee team decided to expand their recruitment this year, and so we joined the throng to hand out "Play Ultimate" flyers. I wondered if this was really effective, since by the time they got to the end most students were barely able to hold on to their haphazard pile of propoganda. But I was assured that at least four of the current freshman on my team had been drawn to frisbee in this way, so I guess it's not as ridiculous as I supposed.

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