Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Ski Times Are Good Times

I am really glad I have this Japanese family who is so very kind to me. They took me skiing and paid for practically everything. They constantly refer to the time in the near future when they will build a house that includes "Laura's room." They are great. I am very thankful for them.

So, skiing was great. The second day we went to a different ski place, and I rented curving skiis instead of the traditional kind that I had the day before. They were supposed to be easier to turn. Well, after learning on the other kind, I had a bit of trouble getting used these new ones. After discovering that it was actually my boots that were the problem, things began to be better. By the end of the day I had absolutely no problem on the "family slope" and the "easy course." There were three levels at this place: easy, middle, and "if you don't know what you're doing you will absolutely injure yourself." The last time down the mountain I did the middle course, and although I fell twice, I managed to keep control for most of the way down. (My excuse for falling was the falling snow blocking my vision, and the piles of recently fallen snow making turning difficult). It was wonderful. I can't wait for Hokkaido!!

You can't really see, but it's me!

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