Thursday, December 02, 2004

"Hair and Make"

In Japanese, the word for hospital is only an elongated "o" different than the word for beauty shop. Today I went to the latter.
I had always heard that going to get your hair cut in Japan was an "experience." I guess this is true, especially with my hair. After relinquishing my coat, I was led to the shampoo room where my hair was washed and my scalp treated to a massage. I was then unwrapped from my protective layers and taken to my chair. It took her 10 minutes to comb my hair, 7 to trim it, and 35 to blow it dry. Ha. I don't think she knew what to do with all my hair. Luckily, she didn't layer it or give me the ever fashionable mullet. And when we were done she saw me all the way to the elevator door. Ah, the Japanese service industry! There really is something to be said for treating all your customers like celebraties.

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