Friday, September 30, 2005

Sourthern Hospitality

Louisville, Kentucky is a city on the southern bank of the Ohio River. It is home to Churchill Downs of Kentucky Derby fame, the largest Victorian architecture historic district in the country, and my good friend Jill. Jill lives in the historic distric in a three story, six bedroom, original hardwood floored, nine fireplace, soon to be restored historic house with her Egyptian cat, William. William likes to attack his toys and your hands with vigor and then apologize by curling up on your feet while you're going to the bathroom.

I took a leisurely bike ride around the area this morning and was awed by house after magnificent house built of solid brick and limestone with expressive arched doors and columns. Old Louisville is a beautiful place. The people are real friendly-like too. I got three hello's and had a little conversation with an aspiring author on my tour this morning. Even just across the river it seems that southern hospitality is alive and well.

1 comment:

M. said...


My name is Maria and I stumbled across your blog while looking up information on Mukaijima Gakusei Center. I will be going to Japan in two weeks on a Monbusho Fellowship to study Kyoto's urban history in the Meiji period (l also got a Fulbright, but I had to choose between the two, unfortunately!) and I really enjoyed reading your blog on your stay in Kyoto. I was wondering if you had any tips or any advice about living in Kyoto, and if there was anything about the area where Mukaijima Center is that I should know, like safety of area, etc. Also, where were you able to get Koto lessons? That is one thing that I definitely want to try when I get to Kyoto, and your recital sounded amazing.

My email address is, and if you would like, my blog is