Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Hello from the wonderful country of Japan! My flight arrived safely, my luggage was sent easily, and I made it into downtown Tokyo without any hassel. The only thing I was worried about was falling asleep and missing my stop on the bus, but somehow I managed to keep awake. Right now I'm staying in a swanky hotel just down the street from Ginza, the 5th Avenue of Tokyo. For the next two days I have orientation with the other nine Fulbrighters before heading off to Kyoto on Saturday.

It still seems a bit surreal being here. I see kanji everywhere and the population is much shorter, but I'm still surrounded by Americans and I haven't had to speak very much Japanese yet. That's probably a good thing, because every time I have tried I usually get it all messed up. I'm hoping that by the time I get to Kyoto the language section of my brain will have started working again. I'm going to blame it on the jet lag for now.

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