Saturday, November 06, 2004

Temple Kids

Most people know the term "PK" or "Preacher's Kid," but today I was introduced to "TK," or "Temple Kid." Whenever I tell any Japanese person that I am studying at Otani University, they always ask if there are lots of monks or people studying to become Buddhist priests there. And I have always answered, well, I've never seen any...
Today, I learned the truth. I met an American guy studying at Otani to become a priest, and he told me how the system works. That is, while in America, a PK is just a preacher's kid, a TK in Japan means that you will eventually take over the temple. So the oldest son goes to school to get an university education and to get certified to become a priest. Most temple kids are ordained at an early age, because they have the experience, but they must get certified by taking certain classes. According to my new American friend, about half of the men at my school will recieve their certification when they graduate.
The reason I never "see" any monks around is that in the Jodo Shin School of Buddhism, even if you are ordained, you do not have to have a shaved head and wear robes until you are running a temple. So, everyone just looks normal most of the time. My friend said he shaved his head when he was ordained, but he has since let it grow out again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad PK's don't have to take over churches!